Wednesday, 2 October 2019

Oct 2, 2019, day 59: Sobrado dos Monxes - Arzua, 22 km (1166 km)

 Today I have walked the last stage on the Camino del Norte.  In Arzua this Camino joins the Camino Frances.  Therefor, I decide to walk alone today, as I have done most days.  Walking alone gives me more space to look around and take pictures.  I want to fully enjoy the peace today.
 I climb out of Arzua and soon see the huge monastery behind me.

 After that I follow unpaved paths for a while, partly through forest and partly through rural areas.

 After 8 km I drink coffee in a bar together with some other pilgrims. Gradually everyone continues at their own pace.
 From now on it is only paved, largely on quiet roads.  Beautiful views over rolling fields and meadows.

 I take a second break at the Maria of Sedelle church.

 I continue to follow quiet roads and get a last climb up to Arzua.

 As expected, I see a lot of pilgrims in Arzua.  I have reserved a smaller private albergue and it looks great.  I der many new faces and soon I have spoken to several pilgrims. It is nice to hear their stories.
Only two days of walking left. The day after tomorrow I will arrive in Santiago!

Hasta manana, professor Conny

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Reference: 4950351 Chromosome6
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In the name of: Stichting Steunfonds UMCG
Reference: 4950351 Chromosome6

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