Tuesday, 1 October 2019

Sept 30, 2019, day 57: Baamonde - A Roxica, 26 km (1129 km)

Yesterday  I did not have wifi. Therefor a belated blog post.

 I slept well until 7 o'clock and I was one of the last ones leaving the albergue.
 Peter from the US and I are walking together today.  We start immediately with a new alternative route, which means we don't have to walk 4 km along the road, but a little longer through a beautiful forest.

 We pass an old bridge and then the chapel of Sint Albert.

 A short distance later their is another point were the route splits.  We opt for the longer but nicer route that will take us to Sobrado dos Monxes tomorrow.
 We walk through beautiful forest almost all day, occasionally passing a hamlet.  We climb more than we descend.  There are also many beautiful old walls along the roads, most of which are unpaved.

 In Seixon is an artist who gives a nice stamp and a real wax seal in my credencial.

 At the only bar along the route, which is closed on Mondays, we pause with a number of other pilgrims.  Furtonately there are chairs on the terrass. The rest of the day, we do not see other pilgrims.
 After passing the tower of  Mariz we climb to a beautiful plateau and enjoy the views.

We are both happy when we are at casa Roxica, a small private albergue with 10 beds at a farm.

It was a tough trip, but it remained dry all day despite the dark skies.

Do you want to support Professor Conny during her 1200 kilometre walk for Chromosome 6?

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Bank account: NL21 ABNA 0423 1266 95
In the name of: Stichting Steunfonds UMCG
Reference: 4950351 Chromosome6
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Bank account: NL21 ABNA 0423 1266 95
In the name of: Stichting Steunfonds UMCG
Reference: 4950351 Chromosome6

SWIFT-BIC code: ABNANL2A for international transfers